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Our Service
Conversion to Orthodox Judaism (Giyur)
We have ties and collaborations with Orthodox Beit Din around the world and we will find you a convenient Beit Din to do your conversion.
We will escort you during a quick, simple and easy orthodox conversion process and assist you in making the administration process simple, accelerate it and achieve success.
Most of the Beit Din we work with are recognised by the Rabbinical of Israel.
After the conversion we can assist you to get married in Israel (with an extra cost) under the supervision of the Rabbinical of Israel.
We help people worldwide and in each conversion we will go with you to the Orthodox Beit Din to supervise the process and make sure that the process will be easy and simple.
Most people who approached us have a connection to judaism either a jewish partner or a jewish relative.
Our service is costly and expensive and we provides advice regarding orthodox conversion only.

Our Fees
Our service is costly and expensive. However, over 90% of the people that started our process finished it successfully.
Any payment will be made only upon successful completion of the conversion.

"Rabbi Yochanan and Rabbi Eleazar Ben Pedat asserted : why did God exile the Jewish People? To make converts of the word "
Talmod Bavli - Pesachim 87B

Contact us
If you are interested in an easy, simple and quick Orthodox conversion, and you understand that our service is costly and expensive, please complete the contact form regarding yourself and your situation